Crossing roads: kids know best

Resource details:

Key stage
3 to 6
Resource type
Resource format
Teaching length
0-10 minutes
Type of activity


In this film, while playing dress up, pupils learn how to cross the road safely using the Stop, Look, Listen, Think sequence.

To download, click here which will take you to Vimeo’s website. From there, simply click on the ‘Download’ button.

Crossing the road: kids know best is also available with Welsh subtitles, shown below. If you would like to download this, click here which will also will take you to Vimeo website. From there, simply click on the “Download” button.

1 thought on “Crossing roads: kids know best

  1. This post really highlights the importance of listening to our children when it comes to safety! Kids have such a natural instinct about their surroundings, and we should definitely trust their insights more. Great reminder to engage them in discussions about road safety!

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