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Helpful hazards

Our Helpful hazards campaign provides tips and advice on driving safely on country roads. The helpful hazards film takes common countryside sights (farm animals and agricultural equipment) and turns them…

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Sheep with 'Slow Down' written on it's back


THINK!’s motorcycling strategy aims to create empathy between car drivers and motorcyclists. It also raises awareness about the steps that both parties can take to avoid crashes. Drivers are encouraged…

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motorbike coming over the brow of the hill

Be the Mate who won’t Speed

Following an increase in the proportion of vehicles speeding in the first national lockdown, THINK! has relaunched a new campaign encouraging high-risk young male drivers to rethink their need to…

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THINK! Restart Activity

…the videos feature legendary football commentator Jonathan Pearce. To accompany these videos we have created a series of bitesize films tackling mobile phone distraction, speeding and drink driving targeting our…

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