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Mates matter

Our campaign is calling on friends to do what they do best – look out for each other. We’re specifically calling for mates to intervene and stop their mates when…

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holding glass in the air with car keys in

If you could see

THINK! campaign to warn drivers of the dangers of country roads. 60% of people killed on Britain’s roads die on rural roads, and new research shows many more drivers are…

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translucent tractor on a country road

Designated Driver

The March 2017 THINK! campaign was created to inform all drivers about the tougher handheld mobile phone legislation that came into effect on March 1st 2017. To highlight the risk…

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woman texting on phone

Pink Kittens

Our new road safety campaign has launched a new ad to drive home the amount of information that is missed by people when they’re looking at their phones….

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Pink Kittens - mother carrying daughter steps out in front of distracted driver


THINK! Drink Drive 2015 campaign. This campaign targets those who are tempted to drink ‘a couple’ before driving and shows how a second drink could double your chance of being…

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man sat on the floor of the dog house